years of health and healthcare writing experience
writing projects completed to date
spot my clients have secured in Google rank
increase in email open rate with client campaigns
Featured Services
Blogs and Articles
Inform and inspire your audience with engaging posts about health and wellness topics, or to share your products and services.
Email Campaigns
Capture your recipient's attention right from the subject line while also encouraging them to perform your desired call to action.
White Papers and Reports
Provide comprehensive papers and reports to help your audience understand more about specific topics or services.
Editorial Calendars
Create a publishing calendar that helps you grow your health or healthcare business, touching on the most important topic areas.
Why Hire a Freelance or Contract Healthcare Writer?
Only pay for the content you need versus hiring a full-time health writer
No withholdings for benefits (i.e., health insurance) or taxes
Work with someone who gains continual experience across a variety of businesses within the health, wellness, fitness, and healthcare industries